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Section 5.21 Personal Files

Richie Adams, President

We all may have multiple files maintained in various locations from the District Office to your Principal or Assistant Principal's office. VSTA strongly recommends that you occasionally check your files, especially if you have been the subject of discipline in the recent past.

5.21.1 "The Teacher shall receive a copy of any material hereafter placed in the teacher's official files."

5.21.2 "Written reaction to these materials by the teacher shall be placed in these files upon the teacher's request"

5.21.3 "These files may be reviewed by the teacher upon the teacher's request. Materials placed in the file prior to employment may not be reviewed"

5.21.4 "Teachers will be permitted, upon request, to make a copy of any document placed in their file after employment in the district"

5.21.5 "If a teacher believes that a statement contained in material placed in the teachers file after July 1,1996 is objectively factually incorrect, then the employee and VSTA may meet with the Superintendent of Schools in an effort to correct any misinformation"

The lesson here is know what's in your file, check it, and if need be respond to it.

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